Monday 20 November 2017

Science Week

Hi All,

We had a very busy Science Week last week with lots of visitors coming in. First Dan came in talked about the solar system. He even has a scaled model of it, it was very interesting and we learned a lot. We even learned about stars that were bigger then our our sun!

Then we had another parent in who had built his own computer using Raspberry Pi. He brought in a tiny lenses with his computer and programmed it to take pictures and videos. He had to be very specific when giving the computer instructions so that the computer understood clearly what it had to do!

Paula also came into our class and showed us how to use the coding program called Scratch! I was lots of fun and we received a certificate at the end of the lesson. We are going to use scratch on Friday for the next few weeks so keep an eye on the blog to see what we create!

Kinsealy Pet shop also visited our school and we got to pet lots of animals, we even got to hold a snake called Sally! She was very heavy! Below are a few photos of some of the activities we took part in.

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